Donations are applied to
The Manchester University women's basketball team is raising funds to offset the cost of a trip to compete in Dallas, Texas. It’s a valuable experience that is scheduled to allow the team to not only face high-caliber competition, but to bond and create memories that will last a lifetime! All funds that exceed our campaign goal will be applied to future trips.
Who we are...
Manchester University is affiliated with the NCAA Division III and the ten-member Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference. The 2017-2018 women's basketball team finished as #14 in the WBCA Academic Top 25 Honor Roll.
Thank you
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on our season and this trip! Facebook: Manchester University Women's Basketball Twitter: @spartansWBBall
Why are donations necessary?
Your tax-deductible donation is essential to the funding of this trip. The trip is budgeted for by the athletic department the same as a typical in-region away match with an overnight aspect that would include one night in a hotel, and three meals. Our trip, strategically scheduled over Winter Break to reduce the amount of class time missed, will include round-trip airfare to Dallas, rental vans, lodging, and meals.